Subject: Re: definitive source site?
To: David Malick <>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/14/1997 13:37:18
> 	I resently downloaded NetBSD-current source in order to play around
> with getting it to work with my VS3100.  I started compiling
> src/sys/arch/vax/boot . It took hacking to get xxboot to compile on my
> ultrix with  gcc system, but as I was looking through the source I
> noticed it was different then the source I had been browsing on another
> site.  Unfortunately I don't remember either of the sites.  Is there a
> definitive site for vax NetBSD source? _should_ be the definitive site - anything else
	you find would either be older versions, (Check the $Id lines)
	or someone's 'development' source they have yet to feed back into
	the tree.


.---- I've been too drunk to love ----.-- I've been too drunk to remember -.
|          too drunk to care          |    the hell of the night before    |
|  looked like death, felt like hell  |   I've been drinking myself blind  |
`------ been the worse for wear ------'-- and still I'll drink some more --'