Subject: Re: 1.2A Kernel Panic at boot.
To: Iain Hardcastle <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/10/1997 22:24:31
> Hi All,
> I am attempting to install 1.2A on a MV2 (RQDX3, RD54, 9Mb DELQA). I
> do the edlabel and copy succesfully but when I reboot from the tape
> and boot the netbsd kernal from the hard disk it gets so far and then
> panics with some mumbo jumbo about 'preposterous time from the clock'.
The 'preposterous clock chip time' message didn't cause the panic,
it's just a warning. Could you please check again what panic message
you get, and tell me which snapshot version you are using, so maybe
I can help you.
-- Ragge