Subject: Re: ssh on NetBSD/vax?
To: Jonathan Sturges <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 03/06/1997 16:15:12
> Hi,
> has anyone been able to build ssh-1.2.17? It says supported architecturs
> are NetBSD 1.0 - 1.2, and lists all platforms BUT vax. :-( This would
> seem to be confirmed by its inability to compile (my MicroVAX-II is still
> running 1.1A).
There are a bug in the vax implementation of libgmp that is
distributed with ssh. It causes libgmp to not compile. It was very
easy to fix, but I have removed my source code for it.
It is no problem to compile it besides that.
-- Ragge