Subject: Re: Netscape 4.0b2
To: Jeff Thieleke <>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/26/1997 02:43:47
Jeff Thieleke drunkenly mumbled...
> > my experience with running Navigator on a linux box is as follows:
> >
> > i have a 386dx33 (no FPU) with 20M RAM that runs linux. every version of
> > Navigator from 2.x to 3.x (i haven't played with 4.x yet) failed to work on
> > my linux box no matter what i did to it. didn't matter what libs i had or
> > whatever was suggested i do to make it work. it eventually locked up the
> > console to the point of my only route of escape was to telnet in from another
> > machine and do a shutdown from there. locked the console 100% of the time.
> > usually got about 5-10 minutes of running time before it happened. ok, got a
> I have seen this too on my NetBSD machine. It only seems to happen when I
> use the right mouse button operations, though.
hmm, it was nothing that wierd. locked up no matter what i did. i noticed if
i disabled Java & JavaScript it ran longer before it crashed, but still always
crashed. *sigh*