Subject: Re: 3100 boot images...
To: VAX NetBSD Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wonko the Sane (Brian Hechinger) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/12/1997 03:52:55
Roger Ivie drunkenly mumbled...
> That is probably the way to go. The Ethernet controller has direct DMA access
> to the entire 16MB of memory supported by the VS2000 (I suspect the driver,
> however, works with a ring bilt in a reserved region of memory because that's
> how it's done on other LANCE designs; haven't looked at the driver yet).
that is very cool. looks like that is the way to go then. uhm, you wouldn't
know where to get cheap (oe even better, free) 16M RAM cards for the vs2000
would you? these things only have 4M, and that is never enough.
> The drive supported by DEC is the SCSI version of the TK50. Rumor has it
> that there is a difference between the model shipped with the VS2000 and the
> model shipped with later SCSI systems (I've not investigated, but I suspect
> the version originally shipped with the VS2000 doesn't disconnect).
hmm, maybe i'll stick to floppies and NFS. :)
> I have not tried other tape drives, such as an Exabyte, with the 2000. The
> TK50 is, IIRC, set to respond as unit 1 for the VS2000. It's normally jumpered
> for unit 5 in other systems.
ok, if i ever find one i'll remember that. maybe after i get NetBSD on the
VS2000 i'll see if the SCSI will work with the WangTek-5150ES i have. i'll
post here to let everybody know the results.
just waiting on that HP dumb terminal so i have a console for this thing. don't
even know if the thing has any sort of OS on the HDD like VMS or something.
anyone ever have any luck getting a second MFM HDD on the VS2000? i'm pretty
sure MFM supports up to 2 drives in some versions of MFM, don't know if the
VS2000 MFM hardware supports it. has some extra wires in the cable from the
mainboard to the ST251. who knows, maybe i'll get lucky. anyone know of any
FAQs or text files for the VS2000? something like the SUN 7-part hardware text