Subject: Re: Mopd linux port
To: VAX NetBSD Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wonko the Sane (Brian Hechinger) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/12/1997 02:38:03
Maftoum / Karl Joseph drunkenly mumbled...
> Ok, I have recieved permission to distribute the portion of code I 
> borrowed from arns. Which is the best ftp site to upload it to? 

i would think that the best site.  i grab i386-current from there, but for
all my heavy downloading (entired distros for other platforms) i go to sincei seem to get my best download speeds from them.
but i'm guessing all the mirror sites (like gatekeeper) get what they have
from  am i right on this guess?
