Subject: Re: 3100 boot images.. (fwd)
To: VAX NetBSD Mailing List <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Wonko the Sane (Brian Hechinger) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/07/1997 13:00:05
-> Several months ago, someone here had written boot blocks with
->graphic console routines for the VS 2000. I tried it on the VS3100-m76spx
->and it worked. The boot blocks appeared to be working; there was no kernel
->file on the image that I received. I did receive output on the screen as
->opposed to the serial port. I don't remember if it were Bertram, Anders,
->or Marc Malagelada, though. Why not include that in the future kernel for
->the VS3100?
> About a year ago, Bertram made available code to make boot blocks
> that talked to the graphics console on a VS2000. They worked fine; the hangup
> was when the kernel enabled memory mapping - this screwed up (as I recall)
> access to the graphics I/O routines in ROM. This necessitated the redirection
> of console I/O to one of the serial ports, in the kernel. (Bertram, if I
> remember incorrectly, feel free to jump in and correct me :-) Neither he nor
I saw any easy way around this, so we haven't fixed it :-(
ok, i have a question about the VS2000 and it's graphics. will it run without
a color card? i have a VS2000 that i will be running headless since i don't
have a monitor for it and don't need another headed machine (too many monitors
in this room already) it has a 4 plane color card. while i have this thing
mostly apart (i may never get it back together, the TK-50 in this style case
i fixed years ago was never the same, stupid case design) i want to know if
i should pull out the 4 plane color card and offer it to somebody who might
need it. or, is it possible to remap the memory on this card and give the
system that much more memory. i vaugly remember being able to do that on
PeeCees comething about run a SVGA card in monochrome mode and you can get
like 600K or more to add to your memory pool (i forget which of the goofy DOS
memory pools it got added to) think it was QEMM or something like QEMM that
did it. wouldn't know. been forever since i touched DOS. anyway, one last
thing. does anyone know where to fond (preferably online) docs for the VS2000?