Subject: Re: TK50 in uVAX2000 (hardware question)
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christer Weinigel <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/10/1996 03:27:10
Hi again,
For those of you that are interested. The SCSI to TK50 converter
board has the name "TZK50" inscribed along one edge, next to the
sockets för the terminating resistors. The part number, written next
to the TK50 connector might be 20889-0484 (I still haven't found any
logic at all in Digitals numbering of different parts).
The EPROM is marked with 23-453E6-00, 7-17-89 and WYLE LABS. I might
be able to make a copy of the EPROM if it would help in any way (I
hope Digital won't be to miffed if I do this, I hope the board is old
enough they wont care :-)