Subject: Problems booting Miniroot
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Andrew Gregg <>
List: port-vax
Date: 12/03/1996 14:10:58
Hi all,

I'm new to this list and NetBSD in general so please bear with me.

I've just got my hands on an old uVAX II, 12Mb RAM, 2xRD54, TK50, 
Dequa (?) Network card, and I decided that I would rather have UNIX 
than VMS on the box.

I created Boot tapes for NetBSD 1.2 as per the FAQ and the edlabel
and copy 'seemed' to go ok. I only partitioned dua0: as I plan to 
partition dua1: later.

However when I try to boot the miniroot off the swap partition (as
suggested on the FAQ) all is ok until I enter the root device as
'ra0*' then the following message...

WARNING: Clock has lost time - CHECK AND RESET THE DATE.
Preserved 3687 blovks of miniroot leaving 46313 pages of swap
Segv in kernel mode: rv 1
Trap: type c, code 0, pc 800158b3, psl 4150004
{some register values are displayed}
panic: trap: adr 0
Stopped at    0x80091b08:    bbs    $6, 60(r6), 0x80091b10

Can anyone provide suggestions/help on this?


Andrew Gregg, MSc, MBCS  |
Faculty of Informatics   |
University of Ulster     |
Cromore Road, Coleraine, | Tel: 01265 324243 
Co. Londonderry, NI      | FAX: 01265 324916