Subject: Re: dumb non-NetBSD question about RRD40
To: Dave McGuire <>
From: Thomas S. Traylor <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/28/1996 22:42:01
On Thu, 28 Nov 1996, Dave McGuire wrote:

> Folks,
>   Hey.  I'ms ure someone here knows about this.  I've never actually
> used (or seen) an RRD40 cdrom drive...but now I have one.  I can't
> figure out how to put a disk in the darned thing, though.  Does it use
> a really thin caddy of some sort, or something like that?

Yes, it is a real pain to use.  I hope you got one with the drive.  I
haven't seen another cdrom drive use a caddy like it.

You place the cdrom in a plastic holder. Kinda U shaped looking thing.
Then you slip that into a clear plastic holder.  Then you shove the whole
thing into the RRD40.  Now you must pull the clear plastic case out. This
leaves the cdrom and the other plastic part inside.  To get the cdrom out,
push the clear plastic case back into the RRD40. Pull it back out again.
If all works, you should have all 3 parts.  

Now the fun begins.  Getting the cdrom out of the caddy. :)


>                          Thanks,
>                          -Dave McGuire

Thomas Traylor
(719) 535-1269