Subject: already accessible.
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Malagelada Duch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 10/07/1996 21:56:12
Hi all.

As I said in a mail some days before, My address ""
had delivery problems caused by a system crash due to some kind of dirty
hacker that got fun itself by erasing everything from the disks.

Now the system has been reinstalled and is live again, so my address
"" does not have problems.
Could you please confirm me that majordomo or the program you are using to
control mail delivery in this list has not unsuscribed me.

Thanks for your time.

Marc Malagelada Duch.
Worker in the Computer Architecture Laboratory in University of Girona.
I have 3 VS2000 and a VAXserver3500.