Subject: turns up it toes and dies
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: c. Kronenwetter <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/30/1996 21:19:21
I have tried a number of times over the past several months to
install NetBSD on a MV II. Each attempt has lead to the same
1. I build the tk50 tape on a microvax
2. I load and use edlabel on a second microvax II to initialize the
RD54---works like it's supposed to.
3. I copy the initial image to the disk--works great
4. I attempt to boot up the new image
5. I see 2 or 3 screens of startup and system data
6. I see the message concerning incorrect system time
7. I get a kernel panic and get dumped into db>
This has happened with each and every kernel I have tried, including
the most current one. The system is a garden variety microvax II
with rqdx3/rd54, deqna, tqk50, serial card, 5mb memory. VMS runs fine
on the system. In searching the netbsd archives, I noted a number of
postings of similar problems, but have seen no resolution. Obviously
others have succeeded in getting NetBSD to work on similar systems,
but I have repeatedly failed---most frustrating!!
c kronenwetter
USVA Medical Center
Milwaukee, Wi 53295
The opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of
the Veterans Administration, my wife, my children, or our dog