Subject: Re: mopd 2.5.3 release. -> IRIX or Linux
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Christer Weinigel <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/29/1996 11:29:58
> From: MX%"" 
> Date: 27-AUG-1996 13:50:57.62
> Dear, VAXophils,
> I'd like to try to compile mopd on an SGI or a Linux box to
> make our VS 3100 beta testing capable.
> Before I dig to deep into the code and include-file-difference between OSes,
> I'd like to ask for some hints or tips ?

I did some work on an earlier version of mopd a while ago and managed
to get it working on Linux.  I've been able to successfully boot
DECserver 200 terminal servers from it.  I'll have a look at my
harddisk at home and see if it's still there.
