Subject: Re: make build with 1.2 (current)
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robin Birch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/14/1996 08:53:42
At 16:14 13/08/96 -0500, you wrote:
> >I get filesystem full unless I remove the
> >operating system (netbsd) and delete the contents of a large directory, say
> >sbin. Have I done something wrong or is this normal. If this is normal
> >is there a case for increasing the size of the standard root partition?.
> You didn't say how big your root partition was. The common setup
>appears to be about a 10 MB root partition, to include the bootable kernel,
>/bin, /sbin, /dev, and /etc. Put /usr (and maybe /var and /tmp) on separate
>filesystems, then mount them at boot time. My uVax II is set up like this,
>and I run with about 1-2 MB free on the root partition - plenty enough room
>to make a new version of the kernel or two.
Your system appears to be the same as mine from a setup point of view. My
problem is the installation of a complete new source tree build, kernels I
can do, it's the make install from the top of usr/src that is causing the over
Interestingly, once the process is finished, I have got about 400 blocks free
whish is about where I started so its unlikely to be bloat. Are there any
files floating about that burn up the space?.
Also, If I go through each sub tree in turn and do separate make installs it all
goes in, its only a problem if I do it from the top.
Robin Birch 01793 494908 (Tel)
0589 886610 (Portable)
RM Consulting 01793 494923 (Fax)
Technology Centre
Wheatstone Road