Subject: VS3100 (VS42A) did a netboot (via MOP) of a standalone image...
To: Lloyd Parkes <>
From: Mats O Jansson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/10/1996 17:03:53
>>> boot/100 esa0
Bootfile: MAJA2

OpenBSD/vax netboot test
(Q)uit): _

How I did it?

I took edlabel, removed almost everything. Took consio.c, srt0.s and sid.h
from Bertram's vs2000 patches. Hacked Lloyd's mopa.out until It generated
a correct mop image. I will now clean up my changes to mopa.out and release
a new version of mopd tomorrow. 

Source to the program after the signature...


Mats O Jansson, CelsiusTech Systems, Jaerfaella, Sweden
email: (or

The program maja2.c

int bootdev;

        register bdev  asm("r10");

        char    indata[64];

        bootdev = bdev;
        printf("\nOpenBSD/vax netboot test\n");

        do {
                printf("(Q)uit) : ");
        } while (*indata != 'q' && *indata != 'Q');

And the Makefile had these lines added

maja2:  maja2.o srt0.o ${LIBKERN} ${LIBSA} libsvax.a
        ld -N -Ttext ${RELOC} -e nisse -o $@ srt0.o maja.o\
        ${LIBKERN} ${LIBSA} libsvax.a
        @size maja

Thats all folks...