Subject: Re: Bits (960624)
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Bertram Barth <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/05/1996 17:38:38
> > Would it be possible for those who are currently working on the ports to
> > list out where they are and then establish some form of interim baseline
> > that we can get our systems onto so that developmetn can start?.
I'm having 2 MicroVAX II running NetBSD-1.1A, which I use for compiling,
which I didn't use (or even turn on) for some weeks now.
I've also a (lent) VS2000 with RD32 which I use for testing and which
is running quite stable. Since there's already a standalone driver for
the VS2000's MFM-controller, it's possible to boot/install the VS2000
from floppy and to boot from the RD32. Also I have a SCSI-disk connected
to the VS2000 which is also connected to an (also lent) VS3100/76.
Since there are no standalone drivers for the NCR5380 SCSI-controller
yet, the only way to boot/test the VS3100/76 is to write the kernel
onto disk via VS2000 and then to boot from this disk.
I planned to work on some details during my holiday, but due to some
delays our current project is not yet finished and we're still struggeling
to get it finished. I hope to get some spare days at the end of next week...
> 1. Modify the sources for the VS2000 kernel to work with the V1.2 source tree.
> This is non-trivial, and might have been a bad idea, since I think I threw
> away my 1.1A source tree in the process :-( In retrospect, item #2 below
> would have been a lot easier had I not done this.
I'm not absolutely sure, but I think that the more recent sources (V31*)
are already compatible to the 1.2 config.
> 3. While these are in progress, I'm supposed to be exercising Bertran's SCSI
> driver code for the TK50 on ths VS2000. So far so good, but I have some
> minor but maddening hardware problems to clear up before I can do a genuine
> test.
I've tested with 2 SCSI-disks (500MB and 2GB) and that worked flawlessly,
even with partitions > 1GB. Performance is not that good (300-400KB/sec),
but at least it works. So the chance that SCSI-tapes are also working is
quite good IMHO.
PS: Instead of my usual habit of giving promises which I won't fullfil,
I'll try some new statements: I won't have time to work on these
topics within the next days... :-)