Subject: MicroVAX 3300
To: NetBSD Port-VAX mailing list <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Erik Manders <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/15/1996 17:31:39
   Does anyone have any idea whether a MicroVAX 3300 will (or won't) run
NetBSD/VAX?  We received one today, and would like to know what runs on
it. We would prefer not to have to run VMS. 

The machine's contents are:
   TK70 tape drive
   RF30 Harddrives (2)
   M7624 KA640 mainboard
   M7621 8Mb memory board
   M7559 TQK70 TK70 controller

We haven't turned the machine on yet because we don't have a spare console
cable for it yet. We might have to make one. Has anyone else done this? if
so, what is the diagram for such a cable?

Thanks in advance,

  Erik Manders                              
:evil and rude: adj.  both {evil} and {rude}, but with the additional
   connotation that the rudeness was due to malice rather than incompetence.
   Hackish evil and rude is close to the mainstream sense of `evil'.
                                        --Jargon file, version 3.3.1 [edited]