Subject: Re: MicroVAX I
To: Reinhold J. Gerharz <>
From: Anders Magnusson <>
List: port-vax
Date: 05/13/1996 13:24:22
> Will NetBSD run on a MicroVAX I? It has 4 MB RAM, RQDX3 with RD-54 and RX-50, and DEQNA, if memory serves.
> It also has a four port serial I/O, one line printer card, and a two port IEEE-488 interface. I can't remember the model names.
There are no CPU support for the MicroVAX I CPU yet, but the rest of the
things are supported. But to run NetBSD you must first write the MicroVAX I
specific support routines. I think that the biggest difference compared
to MicroVAX II is that more insn's needs emulation. 

-- Ragge