Subject: Serial terminal on VS2000 (problems)
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Marc Malagelada i Duch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/29/1996 10:57:20
Hi everybody.
Last weekend I have little time to spend on my VAXStation2000, and I tried
to connect a serial console, as I have no longer my VR290 color monitor.
As usual, I had problems...
I connected a cable with the next pinout:
PC VS2000
DSR--. .--PIN8
DTR--' '--PIN9
VS2000 has a internal Null-modem translation pinout.
The 'terminal' is a old 286 with a 8250 serial port.The terminal Emulation
is ANSI (VT100) and the parameters are 9600,E,7,1.
When I start the VAX, I receive the diagnostics in the screen, and finally I
get the >>> prompt.
When I type anything at this prompt, I receive nothing.
I have tried to get in 'CHAT MODE' and the VAX is receiving the messages,
cause I get echo.
What's wrong?
Even worse:
After typing anything, if I press the HALT button, it apeears the >>> prompt
again! but there is no halt message. (HLT PC=00089652)
Help please!.