Subject: DZQ11 - Speed
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Holm Tiffe <>
List: port-vax
Date: 04/16/1996 15:20:35
Hi all,
first thanks for the driver to Ken.
My DZQ11 - Manual says, the DZQ11 supports 50,75,11,134.5,150,300,600,1200,
1800,2000,3600,4800,7200,9600 and "non - standard" 19800 Baud.
Ken has disabled the 19800 choice to be illegal.
I have filled up the Baud - table to support "B19200" (real 19800) and
testet this with an Rockwell Modem.
It works !
The speed difference between 19800 and 19200 Baud is only about 3%
and should be within the possible tolerances.
The DZQ11 Manual say also "The M3106 module can be modified by
jumpers W9 to W13, so that code 111 selects baud rates other
than 19800 baud. This modification is not supported by DIGITAL"
has anyone tried this out ?
Ps: sorry for my broken english
* Holm Tiffe *
* Strasse der Einheit 26 *
* 09599 Freiberg Germany Microsoft is not the Answer - *
* Tel.: 49 3731 74233 Microsoft is the Question, *
* UUCP: 49 3731 73719 unicorn!holm and the Answer is no ! *