Subject: ahhh success!
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Smith <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/21/1996 21:40:29
Well, I think I've finally got it!

Thanks to ragge, bertram, david, daniel, and many more folks on this list
and especially to Gunnar!
As I type this I am unzipping the last of the files that I loaded from
a single tk50 (all the *.tar.gz files) thanks to David.

This is the first of at least 6 vaxen that I will bring up as netbsd

This feels good - I can't brag so much help from 
everyone, I think this was a group effort.
A most sincere thanks to all!
(next month I will brag I have the system running, right now
I will remain humble)