Subject: Re: More questions
To: Robert Smith <>
From: David <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/21/1996 18:18:51
On Wed, 21 Feb 1996, Robert Smith wrote:
> BUT what I am experiencing is a little off:
> With my ra0a partition set at 20000, ra0b set at 40000, and ra0e set for the
> rest of RD54, in the miniroot, I end up running out of space with /dev/ra0a
> mounted on /mnt so I can't create and copy over /usr files, the basic
> files in / (mounted b partition as part of startup).
> How do I handle this?? do I rebuild the disk with a bigger a partition?
> I do a df and get the stats - does not seem to make sense to me,
> I figure I have crated a big enough partition - about a meg,
> and have not put that much into it!!
> I am working on attempt number 25 to do this install, Thanks to Gunnar
> I am almost there....the FAQ on
> has certainly helped but I still seem to be fumbling!
> Help again folks Please!
newfs ra0a
newfs ra0e (Aha - someone else who uses e for /usr :)
mount /dev/ra0a /mnt
mkdir /mnt/usr
mount /dev/ra0e /mnt/usr
cd /mnt
<<now do the untarring from here>>
David/abs (
+44 181 888 8949 System Manager, Southern Studios Ltd, Box 59, London N22 1AR
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