Subject: VS3100 monitor commands
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Peter Burnett <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/19/1996 11:08:00
Saturday February 17 1996, writes to All:
p> SHOW HALT - ???
shows the default recovery action.
1. Automatic Restart - System restrats automaticaly, ideal for the MicroVax
3100 multiuser system. User Action NONE.
2. Automatic Reboot - Operating system software automaticaly reboots after
every powerup. Idewal for Vaxserver 3100 systems. User Action NONE.
3. Automatic Halt - Consloe prompt ">>>" appears after every powerup. User
action "Enter BOOT".
p> SHOW KBD - Displays numeric code coresponding to language
p> set by SET KBD or TEST 54 commands
p> SHOW MOP - Displays master operating program info ???
Network Listener. 0 disables it, 1 enables it. Used inconjuction with TRIG.
p> SHOW TRIG - ???
If set to "1", this allows a remote system to request a local boot of the
system. If set to "0", this disables the remote request.
p> SHOW MEM - Displays system RAM size.
p> SHOW ESTAT - Displays ethernet status???
p> SHOW SCSIA - Displays first SCSI host ID
p> SHOW SCSIB - Displays second SCSI host ID
p> SHOW PSE - ???
p> SHOW VER - Displays ROM version info.
p> TEST command
p> Syntax:
p> TEST <n> [<m>]
p> n - number in decimal 00-99
p> Function:
p> Performs peripheral tests
p> 00 - System diags???
p> 01 - ???
Ethernet network interconnect
p> 02 - ???
p> 03 - ???
DSH32-B Comms module Synchronous lines
p> 04 - ???
DSH32-B Comms module asynchronous lines
p> 05 - ???
interupt controler & ethernet ID Rom
p> 06 - ???
SCSI-B bus devices
p> 07 - ???
SCSI_A Bus devices
p> 08 - ???
Interval Timer
p> 09 - ???
Floating point unit
A Memory management unit
B System memory
C Serial line controler
D NV Ram
E system Clock
F Reserved
p> 50 - SCSI HDD subsystem
p> 51 - SCSI FDD subsystem
p> 54 - Set default language
p> 61 - Reserved
p> 62 - Reserved
p> 75 - SCSI HDD format & surface test
p> 76 - SCSI FDD format & surface test
p> 80 - Video grid-circle-dots
p> 81 - E's
p> 82 - White full raster
p> 83 - Blue-red-green=white vertical bars
p> 84 - Red full raster
p> 85 - Green full raster
p> 86 - Blue full raster
p> 87 - Black-blue-red-magenta-green-cyan-yellow-white vertical bars
p> 88 - Ascending staircase AKA 'gray-scale'
p> 89 - Upwardly scrolling H's
p> all other return '?23 ILL CMD'
Info extracted from the the "MicroVAX 3100 and VAXserver 3100 Owners manual"
Peter Burnett Internet:
10 Parsons Close
St. Leonards On Sea Fidonet: Peter Burnett 2:441/80
East Sussex, UK, TN38 9QT Fax: 44-1424-853364