Subject: Re: I didn't get very far (TK50 boot) solved + more Q's
To: Anders Magnusson <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/18/1996 14:09:49
On Sun, 18 Feb 1996, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> Are you sure it is not a parity problem? NetBSD default wants to
> have 7E1 on the console. It's probably not a speed problem; there
> are no way that the kernel can change the console speed at all.
I checked yesterday, and you are right. However, after I enter my username
and password it reverts to 8N1. Why?
> > If I enter the command "netstat", with or without options, I invariably
> > get the reponse "Illegal instruction". Should I try to build a new
> > netstat? Where can I find the source?
> >
> Check that you have correct permissions set on netstat, so that it
> is able to read from /dev/?mem.
I'm unable to check that at the moment, seems that vaxine (my uVAXII) has
crashed again. (the "panic: unwire: page not in pmap" problem). BTW, this
doesn't just happen every now and then, it happens at least once every 24
hours. A bit irritating...
> But it may be a good idea anyway
> to upgrade the whole system to -current.
I will as soon as I can get my hands on some more disk(s). Anyone care to
provide a "roadmap" for doing this upgrade?
Gunnar Helliesen | Unix person, | Bergen IT Consult AS | NetBSD/VAX
Systems Consultant | One of "them". | Bergen, Norway. | uVAX II 9MB | Vicki who?? | | 2xRD53, TK50