Subject: Re: I didn't get very far (TK50 boot) solved + more Q's
To: Mike Young <>
From: Gunnar Helliesen <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/16/1996 16:26:30
On Wed, 14 Feb 1996, Mike Young wrote:

> 	Oh oh. Shouldn't see this. The problem is this: how did you
> tell the uVax to boot? ">>> b MUA0:" perhaps? This isn't quite what
> you need. Try:
> 	>>> b/3 mua0:

Thanks to everyone who responded, special thanks to Mike who was the 
first (you saved my night!) I guess this goes to show that RTFM isn't 
always enough, you have to digest what you read as well...

Today I'm very happy though, "vaxine" is up and running (uVAX II, 9MB, 
2xRD53, TK50) and all is well (almost). Installing NetBSD/VAX was a lot of 
fun! Thanks to everyone who has made this possible!

I have some more questions, though:

1) kernel panic

Every now and then the kernel panics, even if the system is completely 
idle. The following message is printed on the console:

panic: unwire: page not in pmap

2) getty on console

After boot, when getty is started on the console, I get the following:


(or something similar). It seems that getty is unable to set the correct 
speed on the serial chip? If I hit the HALT button and enter "C" at the 
">>>" prompt (and then press return a couple of times) I'm finally able 
to get a legible login prompt. I suppose this is because the console SW 
initializes the serial chip? In /etc/ttys the console is set up as follows:

console "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   unknown on secure

My VT320 terminal is set up to 9600 baud 8N1, and the console speed 
switch at the rear of the machine is also set to 9600.

3) netstat - illegal instruction

If I enter the command "netstat", with or without options, I invariably 
get the reponse "Illegal instruction". Should I try to build a new 
netstat? Where can I find the source?

4) Anyone have a spare RD54? ;-)


Gunnar Helliesen   | Unix person,   | Bergen IT Consult AS  | NetBSD/VAX
Systems Consultant | One of "them". | Bergen, Norway.       | uVAX II 9MB   | Vicki who??    | | 2xRD53, TK50