Subject: Re: Where to get TK50's and memory
To: Noby Nobriga <eos@felix.TECLink.Net>
From: Thomas S. Traylor <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/05/1996 08:19:58
On Sun, 4 Feb 1996, Noby Nobriga wrote:

> Okay, here's my ordeal.  I'm interested in running NetBSD on my uVAXii 
> instead of running VMS, which I REALLY don't like.  Problems are as follows:
>    * Only a 3 Meg system - want to upgrade but don't know where to look
>    * No TK50's - wanting to know where to get these
>    * No way to get images onto the TK50s - looking for a kind soul  :)
> Thank you for your reading,
> Noby

Here are two places that I know of that carry DEC equipment.

1. Twin Cities Digital (612) 895-0522

The last time I checked, an 8 MB board cost $100.00 (US).

2. The Newman Group

I haven't checked with them on prices.
