Subject: Still no success
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Robert Smith <>
List: port-vax
Date: 02/04/1996 23:19:55
Thanks to all who have helped but I am still having little
real success.
I downloaded the tk50 files from
I put them on a few tk50 tapes using an ultrix decstation
to write them.
I have booted from each of the tapes created with the two
files on them.
I have run edlabel on 5 disks - all seem to be labeled.
I have run copy on all 5 disks.
I have used the first, second, and third drives off of
the first rqdx3 controller in the boxes - ra0, ra1, ra2 or
ra(0,0), ra(0,1), and ra(0,2).
When I run copy, and supply it with any rootdisk identifier,
such as ra(0,0,1) which is supposed to be ra0, partition b, or
ra(0,2,1) which is ra2, partiion b, I always get the following
message from copy
initializing 'a'-partition ... done
BUT in the docs it says 'b'...
does this explain my failure to get things running or am I still fumbling?
I have gotten responses from Tom. Bertram and others (plus I saved all
the mail from folks first getting it going) and have still not figured
out what I seem to be doing wrong:
Can't get disklabel working - but got data that seems to
tell me how to do this when I get everything populated properly.
Got a tape with all of the tar.gz files on it AND I have a system
taht I can reach to get the files over the net - slow but reliable
slip thru a pc emulating a router....
ok - what is my question? here:
What is the RIGHT procedure to get this netbsd beasty up and running on
one machine so that I can use it to seed my otheres?
is my copy strangeness cited above part of my problem??
Thanks in advance for any help!