Subject: Re: RD53 cylinder count?
To: Robert Smith <>
From: Ken Wellsch <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/30/1996 20:36:54
| I am attempting to install netbsd on a uVII with an RD53.
| Now, I have not found the "dimensions" on an RD53 - don't
| know number of please.
I believe physically an RD53 (Micropolis 1325/1335) is 1024 cyl, 8 hds &
17 s/t, but before running off and using this, recall that the drive is hidden
by an MSCP controller (I would be guessing) and some of that raw space is used
by the controller itself. I recently did the same installation (for the Nth
time) and again had to go peruse the disktab to find out the BSD dimensions.
These are 963 cyl, 8 hds & 18 s/t. These numbers are derived to match the
total physical size as presented by the controller. Like most modern drives,
an RQDX3 also hides the physical geometry so you play the silly game of
matching some geometry to meet the old "ffs" (derived for SMD type dumb drives
a decade ago) requirements. I also used a root size of 16128 as that at least
matches the cylinder boundaries unlike the dusty old 15884 you see all too
often in disktabs for these drives.