Subject: Low level of RD53
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: W. Robert Williams (Rob) <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/23/1996 21:54:48
Hello uVAX-NetBSD users!

I have two uVAXII's running NetBSD-1.0A and I'm planning on upgrading to
1.1 so I've been trying to get my RD53's to function correctly.  I get
plenty of errors and I'm thinking they can use a low-level format. 

Is there any way I can format these on a PC or some other system.  I don't
have the field maint kit so I can't format them on the VAX.  I do have
access to the VAX-Ultrix 4.4 CD-ROM.  Is there a way I can mount the CD 
via NFS and use the software on it to low-level format the drives?

Thanks in advance,

P.S. I have tcsh binaries compiled and I'm working on some other things 
so if there is any interest I can place them on a FTP server. Just mail me.
W. Robert Williams                                      314.935.1200