Subject: Re: async multiplexers
To: Carl Harris <>
From: Dave McGuire <>
List: port-vax
Date: 01/16/1996 03:57:35
On January 15, you wrote:
> Brief status report on the driver for the DHU/DHV/DHQ asynchronous 
> multiplexer.  I began working on the actual driver code, in earnest, 
> last weekend -- everything prior to that had just been experimental
> code to figure out how to make a working driver. 

  On this note...Though I'm comfortable with C and have done a fair
amount of real-time programming, I know _nothing_ about BSD device
drivers in particular.  I'd really like to help out-- Is there any
reference material available that I might consult regarding the way
BSD device drivers are written, or am I stuck studying the source?

                -Dave McGuire