Subject: uVAXII with Emulex 2nd
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Holm Tiffe <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/27/1995 15:36:44
I have previously mailed here about my problems with a uVAXII with an Emulex
SCSI controller. I now have exercised the controller with an "EMULEX MICRO-
VAX DIAGNOSTICS" tape. The diagnostic program says the controller is of the
type uc04 or uc14.
A check program named iv0000.exe gives the following csr table:

CPU ID= 00000008, MicroVAXII

*** QBUS
*** QBUS_BASE_ADR= 20000000

unpopulated	00760000 - 00760076
populated	00760100 - 00760106
unpopulated	00760110 - 00766136
populated	00766140 - 00766154
unpopulated	00766156 - 00772146
populated	00772150 - 00772152 /* emulex ? */
unpopulated	00772154 - 00774436
populated	00774440 - 00774456 /* delqa ? */
unpopulated	00774460 - 00774476
populated	00774500 - 00774502 /* tmscp0 ? */
unpopulated	00774504 - 00777476
populated	00777500 - 00777500
unpopulated	00777502 - 00777776

The NetBSD kernel prints out:

uda0 at uba0 csr 172150 vec 177, ipl 17
qe0 at uba0 csr 174400 vec 175, ipl 17
tmscp0 at uba0 csr 174500 vec 176, ipl 17

what to say about  " csr " ? is it an IO-Adress ?

why the difference between the table and the kernel ?


sorry for my poor engish :-)

*       Holm Tiffe                     |        Holm Tiffe                    *
*    Institut fuer Geophysik           |   Strasse der Einheit 26             *
*   TU-Bergakademie Freiberg           |      09599 Freiberg                  *
*    Gustav-Zeuner-Stasse 12           |                                      *
*      09596 Freiberg                  |    Unable to locate Coffee --        *
* Email: |        Operator Halted?              *
* Phone: +049 3731 392639              | Phone     : +049 3731 74233          *
* Fax  : +049 3731 392652              | Fax/uucp  : +049 3731 73719          *