Subject: uVAXII with Emulex
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Holm Tiffe <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/27/1995 08:55:50
I have got a "Applicon Worstation". This Workstation contains :
1 MicroVAX Memory 8MB
1 tmscp controller + tk50
1 DELQA Ethernet controller
1 MDB M58823A
1 M3106 4 Line Async MUX
1 Host Sil-2 PCA P/N 31970-001 INTFC SERIAL HOST
1 NEAT PCA P/N 33090-001 ... looks like a serial connected graphics dev.
1 Disk controller P/N 12272-001 Emulex SCSI labeled UC0410201-03B
(solder side of pcb labelled QEC-3V0)
currently 1 Harddisk Micropolis 1375 (170Mb)
This machine runs with VMS 5.1 without problems.
I have tried to install NetBSD 1.0 with the tk50 (files tk50-file?-10A).
I can run Nboot, label the Disk, and have successfully installed the Miniroot
in the swap partition.
When I try to boot up the generic kernel the following occurs:
realmem 9428992
availmem 7208960
Using 460 buffers containing 471040 bytes of memory
backplane0 (root)
sbi0 at backplane0 :Q22
uba0 at sbi0 tr0
uda0 at uba0 csr 172150 vec 177, ipl 17
uda0: controller hung
uda0: controller hung
uda0: controller hung
uda0: controller hung
tmscp0 at uba0 csr 174500 vec 176, ipl 17
tms0 at tmscp0 slave0
qe0 at uba0 csrc 174400 vec 175, ipl 17
qe0: delqa, hardware adress 08:00:2b:08:f7:20
cpu0 at packplane0: MicroVAX II CPU
root device? ra0*
panic: cannot mount root
kernel: kernel debugger trap trap, code=0
stopped at 0x8006c0a7: @ $12
What is going on here ?
I'm not familiar with VAX Hardware. Is the controller defect or buggy ?
Is it a timeout problem in the controller hardware (I have read about
this in the Mailarchive) ?
Is that controller of MSCP type ?
Contains the tk50-file2-10A gennetbsd kernel the uda.c delay patches ?
Can anyone help solving this problem ?
PS: sorry I not speak english, a frend has helped me.
* Holm Tiffe | Holm Tiffe *
* Institut fuer Geophysik | Strasse der Einheit 26 *
* TU-Bergakademie Freiberg | 09599 Freiberg *
* Gustav-Zeuner-Stasse 12 | *
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