Subject: kernel fault on uVAX II
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Arne H. Juul <>
List: port-vax
Date: 09/19/1995 22:27:17
We've got some uVAX II's and VAXstation II's sitting
around doing nothing.  Yesterday we actually got around to trying
the NetBSD miniroot and microroot images on a couple of them.

The first one seems to have a non-functional DUA0
(RD53 disk on RQDX33 controller), and a working
DUB1 (180MB CDC ST506 disk on Emulex controller).
We tried lots of things, but couldn't get racopy
to actually copy the bits to DUB1 - is this possible?

On the second machine things are a bit easier,
as it has a working DUA0 scsi disk.

Running racopy works fine, but when I get to actually starting the
kernel it diagnoses devices, then gets a Kernel fault: Arithmetic trap.

Hardware is: uVAX II with 13meg ram, emulex scsi controller
(emulates first and second mscp disk controller), DEQNA, some
sort of 8-port serial board, tk50.

The trap happens after finding the first emulex scsi bus
with its associated disk:
sbi0 is Q22 bus on backplane0,
uba0 at sbi0 (is that the unibus?),
uda0 at uba0,
ra0 at uda0 (DUA0).

So possibly it crashes when trying to find more disks on uda0,
or when trying to find the second mscp controller (would be uda1),
or it's something else entirely. Should I perhaps try without
the 8-port serial card, or jumper the second Emulex differently?
It's currently at 160334, no disks attached.

Any good ideas?

  - Arne H. J.