Subject: Re: KERMIT a part of the OpenVMS standarf distribution ?
To: Robert Nydahl, Chairman (@) Ctrl-C <>
From: Johnny Billquist <bqt@Krille.Update.UU.SE>
List: port-vax
Date: 08/14/1995 13:43:15
>>No.  Kermit has never been a part of the standard VMS or OpenVMS distribution.
>>I think Kermit would still be the best way to transfer the information, if
>>you don't have TCP/IP on your VAX.  I can't remember the ftp site, though.
>Kemit can be found at one of the following archives:

And, most important of all, Kermit for all kinds of systems can be found at
the official site
(including the VMS version)
