Subject: NETBSD on uVAX 630QB
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: None <>
List: port-vax
Date: 07/18/1995 10:01:20
I have read at and that NETBSD supports
uVAX II hardware. I use a uVAX II 630QB with 2 Disks (2 x ~300MB),
TK70 tape, 9 MB Memory. The current OS is OpenVMS 6.2.
Is it possible to install NETBSD on this hardware ?
I4m on the mailing-list. Is there a FAQ for the
vax-port, or a special newsgroup available ?
Where can I get further information ?
If the NETBSD run4s on this platform, where can i get a bootable tape ?
(or how to build it (with OpenVMS))
How to install the tape ?
thank you in advance,
best regards
Karlheinz Kunz
Karlheinz Kunz, ____/ /
Fibronics GmbH, Germany / /
Voltastrasse 6, 63128 Dietzenbach __/ _/ __ / __/ __ / /__ _/ ___/ ___/
+496074499460 , FAX:+49607427974 / / / / / / / / / / / _
_/ _/ ____/ _/ ____/ _/ _/ _/ ___/ ___/