Subject: Question on a VAXstation II/RC
To: None <port-vax@NetBSD.ORG>
From: David Brownlee <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/23/1995 16:35:04
	I (as mentioned earlier) have one of these boxes - no HD, no docs,
	and pretty much no idea where I am...

	I have a couple of sparcs running NetBSD & I'm working on a sun3,
	so I'm not _totally_ ignorant, but my only VAX experience has been
	fighting VMS to get a C program compiled a few years back :)
	Should I just be able to hook a terminal up to the port at the back
	and get _some_ output? What settings? 8N1?

	I'd like to find out if it even works before I consider setting
	it up for NetBSD - if anyone has any ideas how I can verify this
	I'd be really greatful...

	It has a 9pn (console?) port on the back, and a baud selector, and
	next to that a three way dial with 'down-arrow' 'face' and 
	'T-in-circle', and another switch with 'dot-in-circle' and 
	'dot-out-of-circle'. What should I set to what?

	What I switch on the fans spin up then go quieter, the front panel
	'DC-ok' and 'ready' lights come on, the back LED goes 'F' then 
	something real fast then '9'. After a while the run light on the
	front flashes and the back leds go '6', then the run light stays on
	for a while then goes out & the back led goes '8'.
	After that it & I sit wating each other until I gave in & started
	this mail :)

	Thanks in advance if anyone has any help

		David (MIME)  +44 171 477 8186  {post,host}master   (abs)
Network Analyst, UCS, City University, Northampton Square, London EC1V 0HB.