Subject: Re: Anybody know any secret hardware voodoo?
To: Paul A Vixie <>
From: Jeremy C. McDermond <mcdermj@PEAK.ORG>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/14/1995 00:38:38
>The RD53 does not have motor control.
>It sounds like you are putting too much
>stuff on a BA23's dinky little power
>supply.  Either pull some boards out or
>get a BA123.

hmmmmmmm - interesting thing is - that I don't think there's that much stuff -
the system is configured as follows

1 x RD53
1 x TK50
1 x RD disk controller
1 x TK50 controller
1 x KA630 motherboard
1 x 4 Mb memory card

That's it so far - as an experiment - I tried to get one of the RD53's to spin
up at a constant speed on a power supply from an IBM RT Model 135 (Read as
*HUGE* power supply) - and it exhibited the same behavior - spun up - and immediately spun back down.

Jeremy C. McDermond				mcdermj@CSOS.ORST.EDU
Technical Analyst				jeremy@XENOTROPIC.COM
Willamette Industries,Inc. 			#include <Standard Disclaimer>