Subject: Re: havin fun
To: None <>
From: Bertram Barth <>
List: port-vax
Date: 06/08/1995 00:08:00
> For example, boot single user and then..
> # mount -u /dev/ra0a /
> # cat /etc/ttys > xx	(which doesn't exist)
> # cat /etc/ttys > xx
> ra0a: hard error reading fsbn NNNN (..) controller error (unknown subcode)..
> where the fsbn varies and sometimes it is a data error but always
> (unknown subcode). Other command sequences may result in
> free inode //NNN had X blocks
> errors before the read errors. The same disk (RD53/RQDX3) reads fine under
> Reno.

Can't comment on this. I've never used Reno filesystem.
But I've never seen something like that on a filesystem built with
NetBSD's newfs ...

> I have made some progress here. With a NetBSD-current disklabel linked to
> an older libc.a (see below) I can now label the disk. Once labelled, the
> secondary bootstrap /boot and kernel find the label fine and are happy with
> it. However, the primary boot xxboot (sectors 0-15) complains about
> "corrupted disk label" unless you replace dkcksum() with one that always
> returns 0 (ok). Since /boot, which uses exactly the same routine to check
> the label says it is ok, it seems that xxboot must somehow corrupt it after
> being read into memory?

I've seen this "disklabel corrupted" or "no disk label" messages ever since 
the bootblocks work on uVAX. But since xxboot finds and loads /boot even if 
there's no label at all (and usually I do test new bootblocks without having 
a label in them), I've never looked for the reason ...

I've just checked a few things which make me think that xxboot really 
corrupts the in-memory-copy of the disklabel. I'll look for the reason
of that in the next few days. 
(If I can't find it, then I'll remove the warning message :-)))
