Subject: Re: What is the current status of the 11/750 port?
To: None <CRITCHSS@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
From: Jan Michael Rynning <>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/06/1994 11:36:46
Steven Critchfield writes:
> Ooops, looks like I made a couple of mistakes. My emulex controller is
> in slot 8, and according to Standalone Backup for vms the eagles respond
> as drb0 and is a rm05.

That doesn't make any difference.  Slots 7-9 are for MASSBUS controllers.
RM05 is one of DEC's MASSBUS disks.  We had a couple of them connected to
one of our DEC-10's.  Device names starting with "DB" or "DR" are MASSBUS
disks on VMS.  The "B" in "DRB0" means that the disk controller is in the
second MASSBUS slot (slot 7 is the first, your controller is in slot 8).
The "0" means that the disk has a unit plug labelled "0".

>  If anybody could help me identify these boards I'd be very happy, and
> appreciative.
>      slot #    card edge number          What is this?
> 	1	empty
> 	2	L0002
> 	3	L0003
> 	4	L0004
> 	5	L0008  YA
> 	6	empty
> 	7	L0010                      Mem controller
> 	8	Emulex controller
> 	9	L0007
> 	10	L0016
> 	11-14	M8750  CP                  1 Meg Memory cards
> 	15-18	empty
> 	19-20	M9202
> 	21	M7521  AA                  DZ11
> 	22-25	empty
> 	26	M7455                     -----/---  uda50
> 	27	M7456                     ----/
> 	28	M9313  

Here is a list of VAX cards which I got from Harald Barth, who is also a
member of the Stacken Computer Club:



M7819	DZ11		8 terminals, no DMA
M3105	DHU11		16 terminals
M8396	DMF32		8 terminals, syncports (sync VMS only)


M7258	LS11(1)		printer
M5973	LS11(2)	opt	long line driver for M7258
M7547	???		printer


M7792	DEUNA(1)	Ether slow
M7793	DEUNA(2)	--"--
M7221	DELUA		Ether


M7485	UDA50(1)	RA disk	(=M7161)
M7486	UDA50(2)	--"--	(=M7162)


M7258	LS11		TS11, 1600bpi, mechanical
M7454	???		TU80


M7762	RL11		???
M8207	???(1)		"Micro processor link"		
M8203  	???(2)		--"--
M8200	???(1)		sync communication
M8202	???(2)		--"--
M7867	???		printer ???

Dilog mixed:

DU236			SMD disk
DU132			TU80 tape (eq. M7454)
DU142			newer DU132
SU7			???


Memory new:

M8376			sbiBUS in
M8375			upper/lower memory controler
M8373			1Mb (do not mix with M8374)
M8374			4Mb (do not mix with M8373)


L0001	FPA	opt	floating point accelerator	slot 1
L0002	(1)		processor			slot 2
L0003	(2)		--"--				slot 3
L0004	(3)		--"--				slot 4
L0005	(4)		--"--				slot 5
L0006		opt	remote diagnostics card 	slot 6
L0007	MBA	opt	massbus controller		slot 7 - 9
L0016			memory controler for 1Mb cards
L0022			memory controler for 2*4Mb + 6*1Mb cards
M8750			1Mb
M7199			4Mb

Best regards,
Jan Michael Rynning
Stacken Computer Club, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden