Subject: Re: What is the current status of the 11/750 port?
To: None <>
From: None <CRITCHSS@ctrvax.Vanderbilt.Edu>
List: port-vax
Date: 11/04/1994 20:32:41
> From:	IN%""  "Anders Magnusson"  4-NOV-1994 16:25:36.70
> Subj:	RE: What is the current status of the 11/750 port?

> > I have a Vax 11/750 that currently is OS-less. Could somebody tell me what the
> > current status of the netbsd port to the 750 is? Also if you need a alpha
> > tester I would be happy to help. here is what my system consists of.
> > 
> >  Vax 11/750:
> >    4 megs ram
> >    emulex controller
> >    uda50 controller
> >    DZ11
> >    3 Fujitsu eagles connected to emulex controller.
> >    tx78u
> >    Many tu58 tapes and tu78 reels.
> > 
> Right now I am reworking page table allocation routines, but I hope I have
> an running version in a week or two. So far it only supports RA disks
> on UDA50. No Massbuss routines at all are written yet, nor serial port
> code. What type of Emulex ctrlr do you have, is it for Unibus or
> is it massbussemulating?

I am still new to vaxes, so I can only describe a little of what I know. The
controller sits in slot 7, and responds to hp(8,0),hp(8,1), and hp(8,2) on the
copy and format programs for 4.3bsd dist tape. Also it tries to boot when given
the command >>>b dbb0, So it would seem these are rm emulating. I hope somebody
can help id this peice of hardware.

Steven Critchfield