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Re: Small kernel for sun3

        I've been playing around with Izumi's kernel config, looking
        where to save space, and came up with an interesting issue
        - specifically how to determine kernel size.

        For example the two kernels below are very similar in size
        as reported by ls (the second is 673 bytes larger), but
        when using 'size' the second is 130620 bytes (just under
        128K) smaller.

ls -l: 1360 -rwxr-xr-x  1 abs  wheel  1371776 Jan 25 00:07 netbsd
 size: 1055608   26916  207584 1290108  13af7c netbsd

ls -l: 1360 -rwxr-xr-x  1 abs  wheel  1372449 Jan 25 00:20 netbsd
 size: 1056060   26916   76512 1159488  11b140 netbsd

        The difference is due to using a slighly patched r1.11
        version of netinet/ip_id.c, which does not include a 128K
        table for returning a random IP 'id' number.

        The first may look slightly smaller, but the second will use
        128K less memory when loaded.

        Its almost worth keeping the old netinet/ip_id.c around for
        conditional compiling for install and very low memory kernels...

                David/absolute       -- www.NetBSD.org: No hype required --

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