Subject: Re: How many drives can a sun3 scsi bus really support?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/02/2003 19:04:41
Thanks James.... You are one individual I respect in this arena.
Anyway, the drives I am using are 411 boxes with sun 2.1g
drives. They are connected with various ribbon cables (special
things I have had ordered from a local cable monger, so I can
keep cable runs short and sweet on lunchbox style critters).
I can run a stack of 4 HD's plus tape plus cd on an IPC, for
example, but the same stack fans out to three drives and no
more on the 3/60. I will have to investigate that 6 foot terminator
cable you were using. Since the scsi bus is a radio frequency
system and must obey laws affecting radio transmission lines,
it leads me to believe that your 6 foot final cable was acting as a
transmission line terminator, in itself. I will have to try something
like that with odd cables I have. This was the sort of problem that
caused me to toss a truckload of old VME sun3 and sun4 critters,
when I could not get anything over 2 or 3 devices on the scsi bus.
Most frustrating, for sure.
Thanks for the info.
Bob Keys