Subject: Re: Sun 3/80 questions
To: None <>
From: Curtis H. Wilbar Jr. <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 06/03/2003 21:58:38
Anyone have any clues as to where to find some more memory boards for
a Sun2/120.... I also heard there was a color graphics board.... anyone
ever seen one ?
Wouldn't mind getting some more RAM, and in general stocking some spare
boards for this oldie.... It is the only 2/120 I've ever seen... although
I gather there are still a few of them out there.
-- Curt
>X-Sender: m_thompson@
>Date: Tue, 03 Jun 2003 20:35:23 -0400
>To: "Curtis H. Wilbar Jr." <>
>From: Michael Thompson <>
>Subject: Re: Sun 3/80 questions
>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>Wonder what my Sun2/120 will be like ? :-) ... I think it has only 4 meg
>>of ram :-)
>I have been running NetBSD on my 2/120 for about two years. Its not as fast
>as SunOS 4.0.3 but it sure has a lot more features. It runs just fine with
>7 MB.
>Michael Thompson