Subject: Re: 1.6 vm_fault on ie packet rx
To: Chuck Silvers <>
From: Adam Kropelin <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 11/21/2002 23:29:14
----- Original Message -----
From: "Chuck Silvers" <>
> hi,
> yea, the register dump isn't so useful. try building a kernel with
> "options DDB" turned on and with the attached patch applied.
> that should give a stack trace with function names when it crashes.
> -Chuck
I built a RAMDISK kernel with the sun3trap patch and DDB enabled. (Well,
first I build a 1.6 compat toolchain, *then* 24 hours of compiling later I
built a 1.6 kernel ;)
Unfortunately it can't seem to mount the ramdisk root filesystem. Only
change from the stock RAMDISK config was to enable DDB.
Do I need, perhaps, to build a ramdisk filesystem image as a second step?
Any hints? Boot messages follow...
starting program at 0x4000
console is ttya
[ using 134572 bytes of netbsd ELF symbol table ]
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NetBSD 1.6 (RAMDISK-adk) #0: Fri Nov 22 00:01:26 EST 2002
Model: sun3 260
fpu: mc68881
total memory = 24576 KB
avail memory = 21352 KB
using 166 buffers containing 1328 KB of memory
cache enabled
mainbus0 (root)
obio0 at mainbus0
zsc0 at obio0 addr 0x0 ipl 6: (softpri 3)
kbd0 at zsc0 channel 0: baud rate 1200
zsc0: channel 1 not configured
zsc1 at obio0 addr 0x20000 ipl 6: (softpri 3)
zstty0 at zsc1 channel 0 (console i/o)
zstty1 at zsc1 channel 1
eeprom0 at obio0 addr 0x40000
clock0 at obio0 addr 0x60000 ipl 5
memerr0 at obio0 addr 0x80000 ipl 7: (ECC memory)
intreg0 at obio0 addr 0xa0000
ie0 at obio0 addr 0xc0000 ipl 3: macaddr 08:00:20:06:19:c4
vme0 at mainbus0: (A16/D16)
vme1 at mainbus0: (A16/D32)
vme2 at mainbus0: (A24/D16)
si0 at vme2 addr 0x200000 ipl 2 vect 0x40: options=0xf
scsibus0 at si0: 8 targets, 8 luns per target
vme3 at mainbus0: (A24/D32)
vme4 at mainbus0: (A32/D16)
vme5 at mainbus0: (A32/D32)
enabling interrupts
scsibus0: waiting 2 seconds for devices to settle...
sd0 at scsibus0 target 0 lun 0: <HP, C3725S, 6039> SCSI2 0/direct fixed
sd0: 2047 MB, 3703 cyl, 9 head, 125 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 4194058 sectors
sd0: async, 8-bit transfers
sd1 at scsibus0 target 1 lun 0: <Quantum, VP32210, 81HA> SCSI2 0/direct
sd1: 2103 MB, 4243 cyl, 8 head, 126 sec, 512 bytes/sect x 4308352 sectors
sd1: async, 8-bit transfers
md0: internal 400 KB image area
boot device: ie0
root on md0a dumps on md0b
cannot mount root, error = 22
root device (default md0a):