Subject: Re: 3/110 case
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: George Detlefsen <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/04/2001 00:21:22
It can be done, because I did it 10 years ago.
It makes a nice neat package, every thimg is internal,
looking from the rear:
| |<---- Case Wall
| |
| +------+------+------+ |
| | slot | slot | slot | |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
| +------+------+------+ |
| | CPU | EXP | SCSI | |
| | | RAM | mBus | |
| | | 4 MB | w/ | |
| | | | VME | |
| | | | adpt | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | +-|--|<---- Mount disk drive here
| | | | | | | Drill 4 holes thru case
| | | | | | | in pattern to match tapped
| | | | | | | holes in disk drive
| | | | | | |
| | | | +-|--| Drive will protrude into
| | | | | | open space on mBuss2VME
| | | | | | adapter. Find the right
| +------+------+------+ | place by experiment.
Take all boards out.
Find correct position.
Mark holes with square, scribe and center punch.
Drill holes.
Make a SCSI ribbon cable to connect the SCSI Board,
the disk drive, and the external connector.
Connect power to power supply above with suitably long wires.
Using VME power is a lesser source than tapping into the
power supply directly.
A 1" drive may clear the VME connectors, so you can assemlke
the drive to the case, with a 1.25" high drive it didn't.
so I had to cable things up and push the SCSI card in
whike holding the disk drive through the empty space in the
mBus2VME converter frame.
Install the CPU aNd memory boards.
A rig like this was my primary machine from 1990-1998.
I got more work out of it than the SPARCstation guys and
it served as DNS master and primary mail server for a 40
host network.
I later did a similar thing with a SPARC/ELC.
Good luck.
George D Detlefsen, Phd, PE
"Kevin P. Neal" wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 01:10:21AM -0500, Andy Ball wrote:
> > Is there room inside a 3/110 case for a hard disk?
> Short answer: No
> Longer answer: Provided you are creative and only use two of the three
> slots you may be able to rig a mount for a 3.5x1" drive. Not recommended.
> You would probably also have to rig power for the drive from the VME
> backplane.
> --
> Kevin P. Neal
> 'Concerns about "rights" and "ownership" of domains are inappropriate.
> It is appropriate to be concerned about "responsibilities" and "service"
> to the community.' -- RFC 1591, page 4: March 1994