Subject: Re: Sun 3/50 Vs 386sx
To: Andy Ball <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 02/01/2001 06:45:37
> Can I configure X to drag just a frame around, rather than the window
> complete with contents?

Only in the loosest sense is it X that you'd be configuring to control
that; it's really up to your window manager.  Some can, presumably some
can't, and there's at least one in existence (mine) that does it no
other way.

>> Only bitch is the mouse. I've got the proper mat for it, but it is
>> just a pain...

>> Oh yeah and the keyboard sucks big time!

Hey!  The Sun type-3 keyboard (what you probably got with your -3/50)
is - when in good shape - the second-best keyboard I've ever used!
(When in bad shape, though, they can be among the worst.  From your
message I have no way of telling whether you dislike the type-3 in
general or you dislike your particular one.  In any case, keyboard
suckiness (or lack thereof) is a highly personal thing, almost as much
so as editor preferences.)

					der Mouse

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