Subject: Sun 3/50 Vs 386sx
To: None <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 01/31/2001 20:36:55
Hello Alan!
AP> The 386 I had was an sx/40, and was quite a fast board
> in its time.
I sometimes wonder if AMD's 40MHz 386 DX wasn't the peak of
PC microprocessor development. Admittedly my criteria are
probably different from many other people's.
AP> ...the Sun 3 also lets me drag full windows round the
> screen fine even if it is only B&W...
Can I configure X to drag just a frame around, rather than
the window complete with contents?
AP> I put together this 386 cause I got a real nice
> slimline case, and had the bits lying around.
I'm currently building a 25MHz 386 SX machine, in fact I'm
downloading NetBSD/i386 sets via a DOS FTP client right now.
It sounds insane, but if this 'proof of concept' works I can
think about embedding NetBSD on PC/104 boards less than 10cm
(4") square.
AP> This sun seems fast enough for apps, although I
> wouldn't fancy my chances compiling stuff on it. It
> boots quick, loads X quick (faster than the 386!!!!),
> and runs fine.
There you go, I knew we'd get back on-topic eventually! <g>
I can believe it would be at least comparible with a 386 SX
machine, because of the SX 16-bit bus (amongst other things
AP> Only bitch is the mouse. I've got the proper mat for
> it, but it is just a pain...
The mouse on the Sun 3/50? What's wrong with it? Isn't it
a nice optical mouse? When I manage to pick up a Sun 3, I
will probably use it without a mouse, even if I use a
monitor and keyboard.
AP> Oh yeah and the keyboard sucks big time!
(I'd probably run it headless though ;-)
- Andy.