Subject: Re: very strange ethernet problem
To: Mark Abene <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-sun3
Date: 10/30/2000 19:25:48
> Hello. I'm experiencing a very strange problem on my home LAN, which
> I've traced back to my two NetBSD boxes being the cause. [...]
> The problem is in transfering files locally, between any two
> machines. I see CONSTANT collisions on my hubs, and the file
> transfer throughput slows to a crawl. If I unplug both Suns (running
> NetBSD) from my LAN, everything is fine again! Has anyone else seen
> this? What is it that NetBSD is doing to cause so many collisions???
I couldn't say, with only that little info.
I suspect broadcasts. What kind of broadcasts, I can't say. I'd be
interested in tcpdump output (preferably from a fifth machine) snooping
such a transfer attempt. I'd be interested in "ifconfig -auA",
"netstat -rn", and "arp -na" (or other-OS analogs thereof) output for
all the machines involved, NetBSD and other. Accompanying any of the
above, I'd be interested in hearing how you intend the configuration to
be set up.
The sort of thing I'm thinking: perhaps someone's MAC address is the
broadcast address. Perhaps someone's IP address is what NetBSD thinks
is the broadcast (or old-broadcast) address. Perhaps there's some
weird routing going on. Perhaps the NetBSD machines are storming
between themselves for every packet. Perhaps lots of things....
If you do send me any of that, I suggest you do so off-list. I doubt
the gory details of the investgation are of interest to everyone.
der Mouse
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