Subject: Re: lsof and _SUN3X_ define...
To: Mark Abene <>
From: Jeremy Cooper <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 09/15/2000 15:46:05
On Fri, 15 Sep 2000, Mark Abene wrote:
> [...] I'm noticing from "cpp -dM" that _SUN3X_ isn't
> defined by the preprocessor. Shouldn't it be???
This is a good question, and I'm sorry I didn't answer it in the last
message. The answer is "no." Userland applications should not be able to
discern that they are either running on the SUN3 or SUN3X platforms in any
way unless they explicitly ask the kernel. If a userland program is
failing to compile because a preprocessor symbol like this is missing then
it is a sign that some unecessary kernel details are being divulged.
In short, the bug is very likely an oversight in one of the header files.