Subject: Re: how to open a Unipack?
To: Matthew Fredette <fredette@MIT.EDU>
From: Mark Newton <>
List: port-sun3
Date: 08/31/2000 13:54:43
On Thu, Aug 31, 2000 at 12:20:46AM -0400, Matthew Fredette wrote:

 > Hi.  Sorry if this is a little off-topic, but I have an external Sun
 > drive in what I guess is called a Unipack enclosure - part number
 > 595-3264, fits right on top of a Sparc Classic.  It's a good
 > enclosure.  It might be too good, though, since I can't figure out how
 > to get it open without wrecking it.  Does anyone know how to do this?

Stick a small screwdriver into the second hole down, three holes from
the back on both sides.  There's a hidden catch there which, when pushed
open, will allow you to "hinge" the lid back towards the front.

    - mark

I tried an internal modem,          
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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